JUNKYARD (2012, 18 minutes)
A man is being robbed and stabbed by a junkie and in the last second before he dies, a youth friendship flashes before
his eyes. He and his bosomfriend grew apart, when the latter was being drawn more and more into a misty world of
drugs and criminality under influence of a lowlife dealer who lives with his father on the junkyard in their neighbourhood.
Junkyard is my latest animated film. It premiered at the Annecy International Animation Festival in June 2012, where it started it’s festivaltour around the world.
Among many awards Junkyard won the Grand Prize for Best Animated Short at the Ottawa International Animation Festival, North America’s largest animation festival!
Junkyard was produced by Il Luster Films (Michiel Snijders, Arnoud Rijken and Chris Mouw) and co-produced by CinéTé (Willem Thijssen). Distribution is done by il Luster Distribution (distribution@illuster.nl).
I wrote and directed the film, made the backgroundpaintings, did the art-direction, lay-outs, editing and I composed and arranged the music for a small orchestra.
Most 2d-animation was done by me and Stefan Vermeulen. The 3d-Animation by Polder Animation.
For anyone interested in all aspects of the making of this film, I put a lot of extra’s on this website: backgroundpaintings, linetests, the complete soundtrack, credits, presskit and much more.
See the links in the menu above or hereunder.